
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kokeshi Heat Transfer T-Shirts

I found theses cute images seen on the shirts on the Silhouette website. You can google Kokeshi Doll and find some really cute doll clip art to use.  I knew right away I must do something with them! They are just too cute to keep hidden on my computer, Loving the Kokeshi dolls!
I'm meeting one of my close friends  at our halfway point in Kansas City over spring break. She lives in Iowa and I live in Oklahoma. I decided to make a shirt for each of our girls. Perfect reason to buy the images and make a shirt :) Here is how I made them.....
Design your shirt. You can do them in MS word or any one of the many free photo editing programs. Make sure you mirror image your font before you print out. I did not mirror image the name the first time and ruined a live and learn. I can not count the number of projects I have scrapped because of little mistakes {Because I obviously can't follow package directions}.
You will need some type of printable iron-on transfer paper. You can find transfer paper almost at any craft store, Wal-Mart or Target. Just make sure you buy good quality heat transfer paper or your image will fade badly after the first wash.
Print your design out on heat transfer paper. Cut your image out leaving at least 1/4 inch border. If you cut it too close, your printed image color may will bleed out the side of your paper.
{How many times in one post can I say cute!?}
Center image on your shirt. I always fold my shirt in half to find the center and make a crease down the middle with my iron so I have the dead center marked.
Iron image on according to the packaged paper directions. 
Let shirt cool then slowly peel the paper backing off.  
{I'd say cute again but I think it may be getting a little annoying.} 

I added Rhinestones in the center of the flowers on the dolls just to give them a little sparkle. 
 And TA-DA! 
Simple, cheap and way cute!

{ I'm thinking of making little pillow dolls with the kokeshi doll clip art to give as a gift with the shirt too.....hmmmm}