
Saturday, December 15, 2012

PLEASE HELP!!! Cards for Kenzie

Oh to be 11 again. The sweet thrill of a lone bike ride, down a steep hill – only to arrive breathless and triumphant at the end of the hill. The posters of heart-throbs plastered on your wall as you write out your heart’s yearnings for your latest crush. The excited giggles with your girlfriends over the latest gazes from your favorite singer – because you KNEW that he was sending those looks to YOU.

Well I want to introduce you to McKenzie. 

Only thing is though – McKenzie has a rare and fatal blood disease called Dyskeratosis congenita (bone marrow failure). She was diagnosed three years ago and her life changed forever. On 1/28/09 she received a bone marrow transplant and has been hospitalized for almost 3 years. She is only out of the hospital for 3-4 weeks at a time. McKenzie’s current life expectancy is 15. 15. No prom. No 
driver’s license. No college. No children.

This little girl has touched my heart like no other. I was beyond honored to attend her Make-A-Wish 
her in Tulsa. Her wish was a Justin Bieber Room makeover. It was beautiful and so incredibly sweet.

McKenzie has a very weak and compromised immune system so getting out of the house is not only challenging, but life threatening for her. Her grandmother – who also serves in the capacity of ‘Mom’ is her full-time caregiver. She selflessly gives of herself – she is an amazingly strong and wonderful woman.

So, how to help this little sweet child know that there are people that care about her in this world? It’s actually quite simple and only costs you some time and a stamp. I would love to FLOOD this sweet girl with letters and cards. I would love to give her something to look forward to each and every day when the mail truck arrives.

Will you help me? A little time – a stamp – and in return – a smile and joy in a dying little girl’s too-short life. I thank you in advance because I know that my readers are some of the most generous out there. Please pass this on. Share on your Facebook page, twitter and tell everyone you know. Let us make this BIG for her!!!

Please mail letters directly to McKenzie

McKenzie Bedingfield
PO Box 216
Bristow, OK 74010

Written by Kelly Corado and Jennifer Gilligan