
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekly House Schedule

I have needed to organize my life in a bad way for some time now. Most days are spent just picking up and little by little the one small load of laundry triples to three and then I stand in front of the fridge scratching my head trying to figure out dinner. Exhausted and feeling that I accomplished ZERO that day. 
The weather is beautiful here so we are spending as much time as possible outdoors. I don't want to get more behind now that we are not home as much. Soooo.. I created a Weekly House Schedule. I think that this will really help me stay on track. 
My children do a simple daily Chore Chart and love it so I think it is time for Mommy to follow their lead! 

{Feel Free to click on the schedule, save it to your computer and use.
If you would like a copy of my Chore Chart via MS Word just send 
me a msg and I will be happy to e-mail it to you to make your own.}

Aubrey's Chore Chart. Found Here

Adrian's Chore Chart found here