Happy Friday!
Really? Could you all be any more talented. I'm just amazed when I'm blog hopping thru all the link ups how incredibly cool you all are. I love how we all can learn from each other. The thing I love most is the blogging community. The willingness to share with out expecting anything back except a link back. Such a very Gracious and helpful community! Thank you everyone for the inspiration and friendship.
Don't be surprised if you see these projects I spotlighted again in the near future
I plan on making them all!
I plan on making them all!
So Excited that she is going to be out Guest Blogger June 13th!
(Every Week I Invite one of the "Featured" to be a guest blogger)
Not Very Domestic
(Every Week I Invite one of the "Featured" to be a guest blogger)
Not Very Domestic
Yesterday on Tuesday

Rae Gun Ramblings

Come Together Kids
Featured On the Glitter Blog?